1945-1946 Yearbook

FLORENCE FLETCHER JEWELL, B. Yfus. F. W. MATTOX. B.A., M.A. FLORENCE M. CATHCART, B.A. CATHERINE SCORE, B.L.S. MRS. R. A. WARD, B.M. MRS. B. L. OLIVER , B.A. W. K. SUMMITT. B.A. , M.A., Ph.D. RUTH LANGFORD, B.A., M.A., M.F.A. Voice; acting head, Departmental M'usie Dean of Men; Bible Dean of Women: Elementary Education Librarian Piano and Violin Piano Registrar: Educat ion .4 rt "-how beautiful are the feet 0/ them that preach the gospel 0/ peace and bring glad tidings of good things!" -Rom. 10: 15 t~================= FACULTY