1944-1945 Yearbook

All-Stars: Sewell, Turman, Price, Kimbrough, D. Dillard, \Vesson-Fry and Brandon (absent) Freshmen: Kelly, K . Johnson, E. Kiihnl , Turman, Kimbrough , Hodge and Connell Alley Cats: Fry, Wesson, Brandon, Dillard, Wood~. Lani el', Connell , P ledger and Sewell (absent) Intense interest was manifested in basketball, the re being a c lass tournament as well as one in intramurals. The freshmen, rely ing on a comb ination of speed and height, triumphed over the seniors in a hard won victory. The Alley Cats, typical of their namesakes, came out \'ictorious over the Persians in the jn~ tramural di vision. They displayed excellent teamwork. As in softba ll the All-Stars were picked from the six teams. lnterest was so high that the basketball season was ex tended to includE" a game be tween the fi r st and second All-Stars played according to boys' rules. The boys were quite amused.