1943-1944 Yearbook

SIDNEY ROPER. l\larshaJI. Texil:i "There never was any heart truiy great and generou,.. that was not also tender and compassionate:' SARA STUBBLEFIELD, l\lOrrison, Te,messee "Unstained and pure as is the lily. or the mountain snow," FANAJO DOUTHITT. Nashville. Tennessee "Our youth we can have but today," FAYETTA COLEMAN. Searcy "A good laugh is sunshine in the house:' ELLA LEE FHEED. Hendersonville, Tennessee "A heart unspotted is not easily dau;1l(d." MONROE HAWLEY. Flmt. lvl.chigan JOE WOOTEN, Gore. Oklahoma "A mall he seems of cheerful confident tomorrow," "Kind words are the music of the world," RUBY JEAN WESSON, Nash\'ille "We may always find time to grow old," NEAL WATSON. Na~h\'ille yestcrd.:1Y~. and "All that is great in man comes through worl~, KANSAS NELL WEBB. Lamar WYATT SAWYER, Dallas. Texas "I was so accustomed of being e\'er two that methinks I am but half myself." "Modesty and charm are twins as pure as OJ pearl." DELILAH TRANUM. Sumner, Mississippi "Better to wear out than to rust out." CLINTON RUTHERFORD. Lexington. Kentucky "He who climbs above the cares of this world has found the sunny side of life." BETTY MAPLE, Cleveland. Kansas "There is no beauty on earth which e:-o:C'ceds the natural loveliness of women." ROBERT HAWK INS, Lexington, Kentucky "Great thoughts like great deeds need no trumpet."