1943-1944 Yearbook

JunioPj KJo.lTH COLJo::\1A ~, Searcy The fewer the thoughtless words spoken. the le~!< the regret.'· \\' ANDA J O BLAND, Lexington. Oklahoma "How dear to my soul is the mild twilight hour:' HOMER HAWES. Flint. Michigan "Cast all your cares on God, that anchor holds:' BESSIE MAE QUARLES. Nash\'ille, Tel1ne~~cc "Charity i~ a drtue of the heart." ROYCE BLACKBURN. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma "Character must be kept bright ~IABEL FORD. Ca,c Ci t y as well as clean." 'Th(' tl'U (' ~e lr-re!,pec t i s not to think of sell." ARTHUR BAILEY, Sommerville. Alabama "Learning w i thout thought is labor lost." JULI A MAE TRANUM. Sumner. Mississippi "0 that there were twice as much time in one "'mall day." TOLBERT VAUGHAN. New Orlean~. Louisiana "Strength of mind is courage to see and speak the truth:' f OHHt:ST :-'tAG~ESS, Alluwe, Oklahoma CHRISTINE NEAL. Sp"ingda!o Hont , I an I t he gentleman of nature:' CLAliDIA RUTH PRUETT. Searcy "A beautiful woman i!' a pClradi~~ I am Eure ca re is an enemy of life," LaVERN HOUTZ, Albion, Nebraska " Every man has his devilish minutes," CAR:\1EN PRICE, Heber Springs Any part of life must allow a large portion to recreation:' 0, R, PERK INS, Ponta, TexCis 01 the eyes:' "No t horoughly occupied man W:lS ('vel' yet very m iserable:'