1943-1944 Yearbook

Archery, wrestling, table tennis. football and swimming are all major activities in our integrated program for healthfulness through play. Large numbers of the boys sign up for these int ramural sports each season. The brawny fellows who now wear the titles of champion wrestlers won these honors with many a grunt and groan. There are various divisions of the wrestling tournament. Table tennis is one of the best-liked year-round recreations at Harding. It gives the students an opportunity to use the same techniques learned in lawn tennis but it is less strenuous and requires less time to playa match. Archery is one of those more refined sports which Harding students may enjoy. A great predominance of warm, sunshiny days otTers many opportunities for participation in this out-of-doors pastime. In the cold winter months the Intramural Program swings into a touch football tournament. This part of the directed athletic program is a favorite with the boys. Swimming is a popular sport in the winter as well as in summer. During the winter months the pool is steam heated. The intramural swimming meet was held late in the \\'inter quarter.