1943-1944 Yearbook

The Arkansas Club is the largest state club on t he campus. Arkansas is a favori te ')£ all the studen ts because it is the home of our Alma Mater. Lois Campbe ll , Marie Massey. John Cannon, Margaret Jane SherrilL Mrs. George S. Benson, Dr. George S . Benson, F rances Watson, Marjorie Brown, Kansas Nell Webb Loyd Collie r, Imogp ne R ickman, Edwina Ransom, Doris Cluck Swang, Derrel Starling, Gail Overton, Nelda Chessh ir . Bernice Curtis. Wendell Watson Fayetta Colema n , Hilda Bro\'..-ning, Dale S t raughn, Rubye Mae Milligan. Wanda J ean Patterson, Ida Ruth Smith. Mary Be lle Garner, G lenn S have r . Ch r is tine Neal James Arno ld, Eva Floyd, J essie Faye Dunca n, J uanita A llen, Edward She\\-'maker, Marcella McGinnis, Mirtle Woody, Ha r r iett Lawrence, Robert Webb Vonna J ean Wood s, Jua ni ta Thompson, J ack Harr is, Betty Sue Traylor. Mary Reese, Engle Lee Awtrey. Lenore Campbell . Dew itt Garrett, Mar il yn Thor nton Mona Bell Campbe ll, Ruth Benson , Coy Campbe ll, F rankie Trawick. Frank Curtis. Irene Walker, Charles Ray Mille r. Gol a Ca ll oway. Be tl y Castleberry MUl'thu O'Grady. Loi s Benson , Ve l'lleil Fa rle y, Edwa r d Rhoades, F rances Fry, P etit Jean Lashlee. Inez Allen , Martelle Hullett . William Harris