1943-1944 Yearbook

CALUMET TEA AND COFFEE COMPANY • J09·ll WeSI HlII'on SII'eel CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CARL POlVELL O,.y Goolls - Reml y.lo·We",. Shoes ---- love Harding College and appreciate its patronage. APR I L I-Junior·Senior banquet. No special April fool. 3-Song leading event of speech festival concluded. 4-Freshmen edit the Bison on green paper. Dorothy Davidson was Editor, Virginia Lee. Business Manager. 5-Track and field day. Yippee! No classes! 7-Training school students go to Little Rock. 14-"Wings O\'er Washington" as fourth lyceum number. 19-Harding Memorial Day. 21-Bland·Hagler engagement announced. 22-Eleanor Goodpasture received ring. Chorus participates in National Federation of Music Clubs meeting in Littl e Rock. 24-Chapman·!\r,' engagement announced . 25-Chandler-Roper wedding. Lee-Johnson wedding. J. F. MOYE &, SON MERCANTILE CO. FURNITURE NORGE PRODUCTS GROCERIES MOLINE IMPLEMENTS HARDWARE Phone 296 BUFORDS' BEANERY The StlLdellls' Fri,,"d CITIZEi\ PLJBLl SIII NG CO, Founded 1899 by J J. Baugh \\ IIITE CQLl\n \\ EEKI.' DAILY CITIZE"'I Searcy ArkansQs