1943-1944 Yearbook

SMITH-VAUGHAN MERCANTILE CO. • Fnstest Growing Store III While Counly • • SEARCY, ARKANSAS Q U AI N T B EAU TY SHOP Phone 4 10 Searcy, Ark. WORLD VISION A quart e rly mi ss ionary magoxine , two ye Orl subsc:ription for $ 1.00. We hove on assortme nt of 44 trockl . * Compliments of THE SEARCY BANK Searcy. Arkansas * RIALTO THEATRE .,l orl" Arknllsns' FilfPSL Thenlre ~ ' t· are alwa~' 8 glarl to co-ol,crate \\ ilh the fine student s of Harding College Spet'ial Rates for Picture Show Parties PLAZA THEATRE PARK AVENUE GROCERY 800 Em.1 P~lrk A,"(-'nllt' Leon lInd Urun.' Hobl·.."on "IIOI'IE 122 SEAIlO , AIIKANSAS Compliments 0/ a FRIEND You Drink This 0/ Your Meols ... i" }' our Selwol THANKS PERSON' S FEED STORE Best Feetl Store in WHITE COUNTY