1943-1944 Yearbook

19-"Hop-to-it-ism" (work and optimism) given by P rofessor Stapleton in chapel. 20· -Miss Vivien Kellems. of Saugatuck, Conn. spoke on "Over-All P lan." Seventeen students read biblical ora- ~:)ry in speech fest iva l. 21 Nineteen speech festi val entrants reacl descriptive biblical naratives. 2:l Professor B. F. Rhodes seriously ill. 2R- Chorus leaves for points in Mississippi, Tennessee. and Arkansas. 29 -Pr('~ident Benson returns fr om New Jersev. reports SIO.OOO for H. C. l] Sermum·t tt·, in Monda~' night meeting as part of speech festival FERHl \1\\ Dr Bt'nson r(,veals plan for future Studt'nt Cmter 'j Ch, t X I avs tt chllicolor 'jome \\ ant them in 4 Sub-T wame suppt'r Were the girls surpris('d' Fort\'-fi\'(· festival entrants cnmpletpd the ('xtcmporaneous readIng of Bibl" stories. :; Alpha Thda buff('t supper. A. J. DUNKLIN, M.D. Physician nnd Surgeon Wm. H. ROTH Auorney-at-L"w .1. PATTERSON Dentist JAMES L. FIGG Optometri s l R. W. TO L E R Denti s t SA)1 J. ALBRIGHT, 1\1.0. STOTTS DRUG STORE PHESCHIPTIOI\' SPECIALIST Prompt Dl" irl' r~' ."wn· jCt' PHO'\'E 33 LIGHTLE & ROYSTON General Ins ural1l'e PHO'liE 3J 9 SEAHCY, AHKANSAS Com [Jlimpl1ls of FLYWHEEL Attorney-al.Law