1943-1944 Yearbook

I n Sterilized Bottles Phone 310 Searcy, Arkan sas HAWKINS CLIN IC HOSPITAL G."UJlfl A venue and Marker Laura Hoofman Flowe r Shop 12 15 East Race FlolVf~rs For All O('cfl sioll S DeLUXE BARBER SHOP Ymu /mlrOlwge highly appre ciate d W. E. WALLS, Propri etor W es t o f C ourt S tlllnr c ECONOMY ~IARKET w. B. COOK, JR ., Prop. FIlESII AND CUllED MEAT Phone . 17 (;, 18 305 H. Spruc e St . SEARCY, ARKANSAS DECEMBER I-Twenty-four days unti l Christmas. 2-Dramatic Club weiner roast. 3-Bonnie Sue Chandler's engagement to Sidney Roper announced. "K" Club has waffle supper in gym. Unusual radio talent! 4-GATA's and "dates" have country supper at "The Cuts." Tofebts enjoy thea tre party. Sub-T "stag" at Hobo Island . 8-P hi lip Rose, of Phi lade lph ia, spoke in chapel. WOOD -FREEMAN LUMBER CO~IPANY SEARCY, ARKANSAS • Phone 446 "The Good Lumber Number"