1943-1944 Yearbook

Christian education The creat ion of man in the likeness of the image of God cl imaxed t he work of the Master. Man was created with a defi ni te purpose in God's great plan . Man is a creature of education, however. and cannot properl y fulfill hi s func tion in God 's great progr am unti l he has been adeq uat ely trained and developed. First , man is a physical being. Food, air , s leep and exerc ise a re essential to the development of the physical body. The tota l accomplishments of man depend much upon t he success with which his phys ica l form is developed. Man is a mental being with intelligence to reason, to t hi nk , and to act . The mi nd is capable of marvelous developments, as demons t rated by t he marve lous accomplishments of man on the ear t h. Man is also a spiritual being, with a conscience that ei ther accuses or excuses him. The spirit of man seeks after God and cannot be t horoughly happy without a knowledge of God and without rendering obedience to Him. Any system of training tha t does not develop an ind ividual along all thn't' of these lines is unbalanced, and doomed to ultimate failure. The prest'nt world war is caused by men who were deve loped along on ly the fir·t two lines. It is not In man that walketh to d irect his own steps. There is a wa\' that seemeth right unto man and the end t hereof are the ways of death. Those who rely merely upon phys ical and mental tra ining can never ach ieve' success. Spiritual deve lopment is man's greatest need. Harding College otIers a balanced educa tion. A complete intramural phys ica l education program reaches nearly every st udent on the campus. A highl y trained faculty offering twenty majors, pro\'ides every possible Incentive for the highes t menta l developmen t. A strong spiritua l atmosphere. a large offering of subj ects in t he fie ld of religion, daily chape l and abundant opportuni ty for practical work develops the spiritua l na t ure day b\' da~' at Harding College. BE FUR TO YOURSELF, SECURE A BALANCED EDUCATION. IF rile for literal urI' toriay. \""re_" Harding College, Seat·cy, Arkans", Compliments of an Adv ocate of Christian Education