1943-1944 Yearbook

FIRST TERM : Betty Maple Mildred Chapman _ 'axine O'Banion n Irothy Ray S.:C('~D TERM: OFFICERS Mildred Chapman Joyce Blackburn - Ella Lee Freed Maxine O'Banion Mrs. J. L, Dykes and Miss Huth Langford - President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer President Vice - President Sec retary Treasurer Co - Sponsors The activities of the GATA's are a lways marked with or igina li ty and t alent. As their project this year the club will make campus sea ts and repair the swings. A hobo party was given in honor of t he new girls at t he beginn ing of the year. On Dt'comber 4, the GATA's and their da tes walked ou t in to the country for a we iner roast. The colors of the club are blue and white wit h white carnations as thei r favor ite flowers. On March 4, the club members and da tes enjoyed a family dinner in the mus ic studio. Ella 1..(>(' Freed, .Jane Snow. Betty Maple, Dorothy O'Nea l , Christine Neal. Joyce Blackburn Mlldn'd Chapman, Sally Ammerman, Martha We lborn , Mary Reese , Max ine O'Banion, Florence Dorney Bllnni<' Hull'H, Dorothy Radford, Doris Pogue, Dorothy Ray , Eleanor Goodpasture, Marjor ie Alexander Dorothy ,Johns, Willene Hulett. Janet Rea, Mrs. J. L, Dykes , Mi ss Ruth Langford