1943-1944 Yearbook

Debating has retained its place as a prominent extra-curricular activity at Harding, and in spite of transpor tation difficulties this year, teams went to three tournaments, / (I.nking good records in each one. In the State Tournament at Arkadelphia in December. Harding teams won three st'cond places. Sawyer and Roper took this honor in the senior men's division, Harris and HufTard for junior men. and Cannon and Cowan in the battle royal division for in- ('xperienced debaters. Smith and Dyer had a very good record also in this tourney. losing III th(' semi-finals round to the team tha t took first place. Earh' in March. Coach B. F . Rhodes. Jr. took two teams to Durant, Oklahoma to ('ompete in the Savage Forensic Tournament, which altracted teams from six states. Although the Harding teams did not place in this meet, Roper and Smith received high rankmg as indi\'idua l debaters and won a dollar war stamp for their proficiency. The t('am of Smith and Dyer lost two decis ions to the first-place combination from Louisiana Pol\'t('chlllc Institute. At Jackson , Mississ ippi. March 20, Smi t h and Huffard entered the Southern Association of Teachers of Speech Tournament , where they won second place in the junior college s('ction, out of a field of twenty teams . They received public mention he re as "the hitchhiking dl'bater~ . " Sidney Roper Leroy Cowan . Evere tte Huffard. Wyatt Sino.'yer, Bill Smith WillIan Harn . Joseph Cannon. Hershel Dyer. Dr. B. F. Rhodes. Jr.