1943-1944 Yearbook

OffJ CE R ~ FIRST n R\ t \ianamw l\1atthe\\'s Elilab{'th Earnest "uth B€'lI son !:)~ '-0:'100 n R'-l Bonnif' Simms Gt'nc\,u S<lnder~ Huth Benson II s Annabel Lee Pre.~ident \'ice- Presidellt Secretary-TreasuTl'r President V ice - President Secretary-Treasure r SpOllsor The K. A. T Club. originall ~' R. F. C.. di d not break its tradition of an annual I anqud .I( the Ma,'fair this fall. For their winte r social t hey enjoyed a theater party. Red lUmpl'l"S with K. A. T. embroidered in gold on t he shoulder display the club t' iol's Tlu'ir flower is Talisman rose. flu" Bf> I Ell P v \\ th r: rIlC Bonnie Simms. :\1ary Alice Schiller. Dolores B~lrker ICI Janne ~Iatthe\\ • Gencva Sanders. Jean Baird . :\1 1ckey Wh istle. Betty Lou SPI ucll. Luclla Harrison, Annabel Lee,