1942-1943 Yearbook

PAUL KELLER Otwell B.A. Mojor: Bible and Business Administration Minor: Social Science and English Koinonia Social Club, President, Sergeanto t-arms; Arkansas Club, President; Compus Playe rs; Press Club; International Relations Club, charter membe r, President; Forensic League; Student Preacher; President of Freshman Closs, '40. A boy with many interests but . participated in in tromurols in debating made seve ral pions to p reach. ERMYL McFADDEN no special hobbies also interested debate trips McFadden B.S. Major: Home Economics Minor: English Alpha Theta Social Club, President; Speech Choir; Women's Speech Quartet; Arkansas Club. A gi r l who enjoys sports murals . leader in club life and cooking. WINSTON ALLEN B.A. Major: Biology a winner in intralikes sewing - Searcy Minor: Greek and Bible Art Club; Speech Choir; Scientific Journal Club; Assistant leader in Mi ssionary Forum; Mixed Chorus; Student Preacher. Has attended Harding sixteen years very much like his brother Dennis worked ond trove led two years in North ond West and returned to Harding to complete his degree likes to read and enjoys outdoor sports pions to do missionory work in Alaska. MILDRED ROYAL Evening Shade B.A. Major:English Minor: Social Science Arkansas College '38-'39; Alpha Theta Social Club; Pres iden t, Vice-President, Treasurer; Arkansas Club. Friendly and likable . renders "service with a smile" at th e College Inn Hobby is Speech plans to teach. JACK NADEAU - - Ventura, California B.A. Major: Hi story and Sociol Science Minor: English Student Prea cher; Oklahoma Club; "M" Club, President; Lambda Sigma Club; Men's Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Missiona ry Forum, Chairman; Forensic League; Campus Ployers. Likes spor t s went ou t for intramurals and track won honors in track hobbies are kodaking and study of new words .. pIons to preoch. GRETCHEN LOUISE HILL B.A. Major: English Minor: Social Science Quitman Speech Choir; Girls' Speech Quartet; Mixed Chorus; Press Club; Arkansas Club; Alpha Th e ta Social Club, President three terms, Treasurer, Reporter; Class Editor of Petit J ean. A Hordingite with numerous hobbies likes reading, sewing, coo k ing, bike riding, ond drawing . also in t e rested in Speech ... plans to teach English in h igh school. SENIORS