1942-1943 Yearbook

General FacuIty Mr s. J . H. Dykes C. D. Brown Mrs. E. R. Stapleton Mrs . S. W. Larki ns Mr s. A. B. Chandler Miss Shirley Vaughan J L. Maddox H. L. Smith Wi ll iam Godwin No co ll ege is complete without a gene ral fac ul ty. Hardi ng College has a very efficient one, Mrs . J . Ha rvey Dykes is supervisor and matron of the Gray Gables, one of the girls' dormitories. M r. Brown is the bu rsar who stands over in the office with ou tstretched hand anxiously awai t ing a remi t tance. M rs. Staple ton, on leave of absence, has worked faithfully as fac ult y adv isor of the annual. "Nursie" Larkins, indispensible, but hard to fool, takes our temperatures. "Ma" Chandler is responsible for wha t and how much we eat. She is dietician of the College Club. Shirley Vaughan is a new addition to Brother Benson's office. Mr . Maddox is our new printer. Mr. Smith is general handy man around the campus. He works as a ca rpen ter, electrician, and bus driver. Bill Godwin supplies us with our heat in winter . He is the chief engineer.