1942-1943 Yearbook

Library and Science In charge of Harding's librory of about 18,000 volumes is Miss Catharine Score. She is 0 woman of unusuolly thorough I ibrory troining ond 0 reol scholor. She is very foith - ful in performing her duties and often inconveniences herself to accommodate some students. Two laboratories and the library are well equipped for the courses offered in the physical sciences. The biology department olso has very odequote equipment for undergroduate courses in botany, zoology, bacteriology ond physiology. The library contoins a lorge number of standard reference works and periodicals dealing with the various phases of biological science. J. H. Miles is professor in chemistry ond the physical sciences and Dr. A M. Bosford is heod of the work in biology. Dr . Basford is quite outstonding in her presentation of biological focts ond principles. An associate professor of Biology is Professor S. A Bell, who is also 0 member of the Bible faculty. MISS CATHARINE SCORE S. A. BELL DR. A. M. BASFORD J. H. MILES