1942-1943 Yearbook

Rll Stars SOFTBALL Juanita Awtrey, Oletta French, Ruby Jean Wesson, Joyce Blackburn, Bertha Mae Tidwell, Guerlayne Fuller , Opal Callaway, Dorothy Ray. BASKETBALL Juanita Awtrey, Doris Heal y, Carmen Price, Ruby Jean Wesson, Bertha Mae Tidwell, Theda Robins. TENNIS Tennis created much in terest for all of those who entered. Carmen Price won the girl's si ngles by defeating Ruby Jean Wesson in a hord -fought match, 6-4; 9-11; and 6-3. Seventeen girls entered the tennis tournament . After the season is over the outstanding players for each position are chosen and placed on 0 mythical all-star team. This nat only gives the girls honor, but points toward the intramural awards as well. Many times it is hard to pick the ou tstanding pi oyer for some certain position, but several things ore taken into consideration. Sportsmanship, team ploy, and endurance are considered as well as individual ability. These four things help the officials decide on the select ions.