1942-1943 Yearbook

DENNI S ALLEN ENID COLEMAN BETTY BERGNER CLI FTON GAN US THEDNEL GARNER V IRGIL BENTLEY EDWARD SHEWMAKER Potential usefulness to business and society, character , scholar - ship, and leadership in extra-curricular activities ore the factors con - sidered in the selection of students for nomination to this honor. The school moy nominote only one holf per cent of its enrollment . Onl y juniors and seniors are eligible for membership. Annuolly 0 compilotion of biogrophies of these outstonding stu - dents is pub lished in book form ond releosed to prospective employers ond business men throughout the count ry. Approximotely 5000 stu - dents receive recognition in th is publicotion ond more thon 550 colleges and universities are represented in it . WHO'S WHO