1942-1943 Yearbook

O'Neal, R. Blackburn, Chouteau, J. L. Dykes, Mrs. J. L. Dykes, Blond, Reo, J. Blackburn Armstrong, r. M. Sme the rs, Elliott, Hebberd, Hester, Magness, Johnson Hancock, Daughtery, Stalcup, Maple, Hawkins, Dean Bonnie Bergner, J. Nodeou, Rutherford, Foster, Cloy, Mrs. F. M. Cathcart, Betty Bergner Many of our best pupil s arrive from Oklahoma eac h year. In the fall the group took the ir dates to a theater party, serving light refr eshment s after the picture. In February they held a ska ting party and served thei r gues ts chili. The "K" club consists of students coming from the two "K" s tates in the United States-Kansos and Kentucky. In the fall the members had a Turkey Dinner in the Headlee Drug Stare. Waffles and all the trimmings were enjoyed by membe rs and their dates in the spring term. OKLAHOMA OFFICERS " K" CLUB OFFICERS Ambrose Rea - - Royce Blackburn Wanda Ja Bland John Lee Dykes - Presiden t Vice-Pres. Sec. -T reas. Sponsor Oklahoma Betty Bergner - Robert Hawkins Betty Maple - - - Bonnie Bergner - Mrs. F. M. Cathcart - President Vice-Pres. Sec. -T reos. Reporter Sponsor