1942-1943 Yearbook

Richard Dean, Co rr ie Dendy, E....an Ul rey, Virgil Lawyer, Emalene Alexande r, Gene Ferguson, Monroe Howley Christine Edwa rds, E....erette Hufford, Mary Nell Welbc:n, LoVern Houtz, Annette Burford, Caye Parter, [Doris Healy Paul McCullough, Gladys Wolden, Roy Lawyer, Richard Fisher, Jock Nadeau, Anno B. Higgins, Hoyle Whi te Billy Lynn, George Knepper, Joe Shover, Lois Porter, Edwin Stover, Vernon Lawyer, Joyce Barker Calis Campbell, Mrs. W. K. Summitt, Dr. W. K. Summit!, Weldon Cosey, Ernest Porter, Eugenio Stover, [James Keown Paul Kohler, Lloyd Wheeler Dale Larsen, Mildred Hause " M" s ta nds fo r " M isce llaneous" a nd takes in the la rges t number of states o f a ny s tate club . The present membership represents ten d iffe rent s ta t es. J ack Nadeau Vi rgil Lawye r Eugen ia Stover Dr . W. K. Summitt OFFICERS "Mil Pres ident Vice- Presiden t Sec re ta ry- Treasu re r Sponso r