1942-1943 Yearbook

Douglas Gunselmon, Guer\ayne Fuller, Elam Sharp, Lynn Buffington, J. C. Gaw, Bonnie Sue Chandler Mary Carroll, Ke rmit Ary, Eli zabeth King, Richard Chandler, Mrs. Paul Herndon, Paul Herndon Leonard Kirk, Joe Clark, Harry Fox, Margaret Ridley, Billy Clements, Dal ton Cherry Mrs. A. B. Chandler, George Reagan, Mrs. Alb!')rt Gonce, Alber t Gonce, Jack Gow, C. W. Bradley In the earl y part of the school year the Tennessee club, revived on the campus, met and chose their off icers. They had no function s unt il the spring term when they had a sunri se breakfos t . Days and night s are so crowded that you hove to take the time you find open, but what could be be tter than an open air breakfast on some beautiful morning . c. W . Bradley - Elam Sharp OFFICERS Bonnie Sue Chandler Leonord Kirk - President Vice-President Secretary -Treasurer Sponsor Tennessee