1942-1943 Yearbook

Gata First Te rm: OFFICERS Anna B. Higgins Dalene Hebberd Dorothy O'Neal Second Term : Christine Neal Evelyn King Joyce Blackburn Betty Maple Mrs . J . L. Dykes An inspirel ion of continuing this yeor. President Vice- President Secretary-Treasurer President Vice-President Secretory Treasurer Sponsor the Gato's last yea r was " The Strawberry Festival," which they are The Gato's have as their motto " L ive pure, speak true, right wrong." Their colors are blue and white and the white carnation is their flower. In the winter the Goto's held their banquet at the Mayfair Hotel. The "Old South" theme was artistically carried out. The girls' costumes were in keeping with that time, making thei r theme even more vivid. On May 1, they went to Le tona fo r thei r spri ng out ing . Dorene Hebberd, Anna B. Higgins, Chri stine Neal, B? lt y Johnson, Dorothy O'Neal, Evelyn King, Betty Maple, Joyce Blackburn, Maxine Tillman, Norma Blonkensh:p, Doro th y Ray, Louise Tillmon, Sora Beth Brown, Virginia Garner, Lucile Hull, Elynore Gibson, Caye Til'man, Maxine Q' Banian, Guerlayne Fuller, Mary Dabbins, Mary Nell Welbarn, Mildred Chapman, Mrs. J. L. Dykes