1942-1943 Yearbook

Reagan Yarbrough Deener Dobbins Cavaliers OFFICERS Lynn Duffington Professor J. H. Miles President Vic e -President Secretary-Treasurer Spon so r Th e Cava lie r Club is the o ldes t men 's club on the campus . Th is year it is celebrating its fifteenth birthday. Although onl y one member from las t yea r returned , three from previous years ca me bac k a nd helped to bu ild a s trong cl ub. New cl ub jac ke ts we re obtai ned , usi ng the cl ub colors pu rpl e and gold . The membe rs al so wear pi ns t ha t bear the name o f thei r c lub. The membe rs a nd t he dates spent a day a t Red Bl uff in the fall. Feb rua ry 19, the cl ub ent e rta ined the ir dates a t the Mayfa ir ho te l wi th a banque t . In t he sp ring they had on out ing . Reagan Yarbrough, Deener Dobbin s Lynn Buffington , Herbert Dawson Jame s Waddell, Maurice Murphy, Dale Von Patten, Burl Dykes, Hoyle White Paul McCull ough, Hawkins Scarbo rough, Jock Spaulding, Buddy Langs ton, J. H. Mile s