1942-1943 Yearbook

First Te rm : Imo!,)ene Nicholas Cecil Laos . Shirley Voughan Second Te rm : Shirley Vaughan Virginia Watson Imogene Nicholas Mary Jo McKnight Mrs . F. W . Mattox W. H. C. OFFICERS President Vice- President Secretary-Treasurer President Vice- President Secreta ry-Treasurer Repor ter Sponsor Throughout the yeors the W.H.C.'s have been very active in various projects. This yea r they are giving white Bibles to each du') member who a t tends all religious meetings during the year . The motto of the W.H.C. Club is "'Quality, Not Quantity."' Their colors ore green and white . Their club jackets ore of emerald green satin wi th a shamrock, their club emblem on the backs. The W.H.C.'s held their annual country suppe r February 13th, in the Legion Hut . They carried out a Valentine theme. During the month of May they entertained with a banquet at the Mayfair. Virginia Watson, Cecil Laos, Imogene Nicholas Hawkins, Kathryn Drake, Shirley Vaughan, Esther Belle Brown, Janice Boker, Mary Jo McKnight, Shi rl ey Siddons, Mrs. F. W. Mattox