1942-1943 Yearbook

Edwin Stover Dole Von Patten Clifton Ganu s J . M. Shover Orchestra OFFICE RS Concert Moster Assi s tant Director Personnel Manager Librarian William Laos Under the leadership of William Laas and with a greater and more talented membership, the Orchestra has accomplished greater things this year than lost . Five of the group practi ced regularly with the members of "Arkansa s State Symphony" and played in the four concerts given in the Rob inson Memorial Aud itorium at Little Rock . They were Edwin Stover , vialinist; Irl Stalcup, cellist ; Mary Jo McKnight , s tring boss; Dole Von Patten , oboe; and William Lao s, French horn . The orchestra gave two U.S.O. concerts, one with the chorus. During Thanksgiv ing lecture week they gave on evening concert . An assembly program was given at Searc y High School and two Chapel programs at Harding. In March they gave a concert at the Newport Army Air Base. The grandest of all was the lost Lyceum number presented jo intl y by the Girls Glee Club and Hard ing Orchest·o . They ended the ir year by play ing for the commencement exercises.