1942-1943 Yearbook

Forensic League and Orators Bill Smith and Hershel Dyer placed second in the Mid-South Invitation Tournament at Conway in the junior division , and Paul Keller and Monroe Hawley, Mary Bess Love and Joyce Barker received third place honors in their divisions. In the State Tournament for high school Bill Harris and Richard Dean and Gene Temple and Therman Healy took second places. In the State Debate Tournament of the Southern Association of Teachers of Speech , held at Jackson, Mississippi Billy Smith and Hershel Dyer took second place in the junior division. Other debates were held with Arkansas State College and with David Lipscomb Col - lege. I n connection with the speech festival this year, the annual oratorical contest spon - sored by the Bison was held. Winning top honors in the men and women division respectively, were Winston Allen and Mary Bess Love. Mr. Allen, senior, spoke on "Behold the Man", stressing the truth that it takes men with great inner characters to be great leaders, and that the greatest leader is Christ. Weldon Casey and Joyce Barker, runners-up in the contest spoke on " England 's Hour", and "Awoke Americans."