Leonard Kirk Glee Clubs Mrs. Florence Jewell There must be si nging experiences for s tudent s of all degrees of musical talent. Harding 's musica l department provides these experiences through the medium of the mixed chorus, which invites all students to participate. Further expe ri ence may be received in the glee clubs, trio, classes for those interested in hymn directing, and th e solois t . Perhaps among these groups the girls' glee club could be ca lled the mos t colorful. Under the direction of Mrs . Fl orence J ewell, the girls participated in various programs throughout the school year. Several of the concerts were combined with the men 's glee club and chorus. In April they gave a chapel program and song for social functions. Their outstanding program, and perhaps the mos t beautiful program of the yea r, was the final lyceum given with the orchestra. Mr . Kirk conduc ted the men 's glee club, a group that enjoyed si nging and put their hearts into it. In November they gave a few numbers for the visiting parents and friends. In February they gave a Sunday afternoon program featuring with them the girls' trio.