1942-1943 Yearbook

OVER EIGHTY YEARS OF SERVICE PUBLISIIERS OF GOSPEL ADVOCATE-Si"ep 1855! A 2 1-page pe ri odi ca l. publi shed eaeh \\ ('ck. and d (' \ oLeci to tlw truth of God. ~2.00 a ) ear. GOSPEL LITERATURE J\TER\ATIO\AL S ERIES. in d CH'n ('our .. t':-. . f r o III Kinderga rten, to \dult a t 10\\ pri cc5 5c to 12c for eaeh (·hild , each (IUaft el'. GRADED SF-H IES. \, ith fi ve co ur~es read y. age .. I to B. a t 12(' [or eu( 'h dlild. ead \ quar lt>r. CUDI"; fOR TEACIIERS a nd addi t io" al ma te ri a l, a,a ila bl e a l,o. THE BEST IN BOOKS : Schoo l a nd re lig i o u ~ b()O ~"'-{· o l, ("o rd a ll ( · e!". l'()lll lll e nla ri C'::>. didi o ll a ri (·.... hi sto ri e... s(' rlll () n ~. deba tes. Billie slu ch book... . gi f t book.... a nd . in fad. (' , e r ~ thing ill reli abl(' book!.'. Scnc! fo r ·(·a talo:r. THE BEST IN BIBLES: In Kill !! Jalll{·.... He \ i ~ed , a nd i\ lod r l'n Trans lati ons. \Ve C3 IT ) Ca ll1brid ~('. Collins. l-I <'lI' P(· I' . Ilollllan . e lsoll . O '(ford. \"'\ ' ins to n. and \Vorld S ~ndi('a t e B i ble~ a nd Te o.t ame nt :o; a t rea sona ble pri ce... , prepai d . Send fo r ('a tal og. CHURCH SUPPLIES Comllluni on \\ a rc- tra ys, ('o\ers, g ias5C' ''' fill er" . and hreadplatcs~ commun · ion bread: contributi o n pl ' lles a nd ba~ k c t ~-a luminlllll a nd \\ ickc f : h ~ Illll· hoa rd ... Bihl e school reg i<; te rs, a Ur- nda lH'e ma ter ia l.., ~o ld a nd s ih e r pins. a nd lIl i.m y . 1IH11l ) . other a tl radi, c. he lpful. p(' oll o llli ca l things . SPlld fIJI (·a ta iog. \VE CAN HELP YOU: In pl a nn in¥ (·hu n:h b u i ldin g~. bu)i ng hull f't i" h oa rd ~ . purchas ing :;opal" . and hundred .. o f othe r thin g;;;. \Vrite U~. CHRISTIAN HYi\1 S: 3.12 pages, 100 song" . The h ) ll1n al u.. ed mns l a lll oli g chu rc hes of Chri ~ t. Hi gh QlIa lit ) {'ontent. pa pe r . and binding. 60 ('enb a COP ) prepaid: 50 a hundred, 11 0 t prepa id. Viall ) other songbook" a nd h~mna l s a t \ e l") r('asona bl e pri l'c,:- . GOSPEL ADVOCATE CO. NASHVILLE, TEN ESSEE