1942-1943 Yearbook

FEBRUARY CALENDAR (Continued I * 2O--Gata buggy ride to banquet at Mayfair-but It rained . 21-Ganus VISitS 10 Nicholas home; preaches at Strawberry. 22-lnterestlng meeting Monday night on instrumental music; Brother Rhodes confuses "pitch fork " with "tuning fork." 23-Chapel sees film on birds . 24.-Benson organizes workers far college "vic tory garden. " 25- Wrestling matches star ted In gymnasium. 26- " Arsenic and Old Lace" goes ove r big, especially the old aunts and Mr.Glbbs. 27 Hugh M, Tiner, president George Pepperdine College, visits; Axel Swang visi t~l so Dori s Cluck. 28-Glee club, tfiO and Quartet give program 10 afternoon; Benson speaks on " The Church and Postwar Planning." * MARCH CALENDAR * I-Ma Chandler serves hot rolls again. 2 -Hol tzendorff presents students 10 plono reCital , wrestling finals. 3 -Much crammi ng is done for term exams. 4-Term exams---Oh! 5 Fina l round up of chapel votes for Pe t it Jean Features. 6 - Chorus leaves a t noon for four-doy trip; enrollment for sp flng term. 7-Shernll speaks on "More Abundant Life" on Sundoy rodio program. a-First day in new te rm; classes cut short . 9 Benson brings bock ano ther $5,000. 10--Betl closes series a f chapel speeches on nutrition. 12-Debaters leave fo r state debate tournament II SAM J. ALBRIGHT, M.D. ROTH & TAYLOH A(torneys.at.La w A. J. DUNKLIN, M.D. Phys ic ian and S ur~con KIWANIS CL B COmlJiimellts of (I FRIEND BRADLEY'S BARBER SHOP Coll ege Students WeIcOllie PERSON'S FEED STOllE Bcs t Feed Store in WHITE COUNTY STOTTS DRUG CO. Prescription S .,ecialist Prom/It Deli vpr y Spr vi r f' Phone 33 PARK AVENUE GROCERY 800 East Park Avenue Leon and Bruce Rohe r son Phon e 122 - Searcy, Arkansas II