1942-1943 Yearbook

The rman Heal y Coli s Campbell Dewitt Garrett W . K. Holbert - K-9 CLUB OFFICERS Pres ,dent Vice- President Secretory-Treasurer Sponsor Thi s da shing new club hod caused much interest and they have cer - tainly gone a long way in a short time. Their motto is "Pride goe th before a foiL" Their song "0 where, 0 where has my little dog gone," while their favorite food is hot dogs . The ir ca'ars are "Crimson and Gold ." They have new jackets of the some colora - tion with a dog on the bock of each one known as the "Sirius" or the dog - star . November 28, the K-9 ' s went on on outing to Camp Tahkodah . They attended a theater party in the winter and after the show stopped for re - freshments at the "Slip Shod Mannar. " Co li s Campbe ll , Therman Heal y Richard Dean , Dewi tt Garrett Jame s Ganus , Leon Huddleston, Bill Harris, Gene Temple, Sammie Swim W . K . Holbert , Cecil Garrett , Tommi e Ni cholas, Stua rt Howard , Under - Dog