Freshman Preache rs Directed by Brother Dykes and under the chairmanship of Dole Larsen , the freshman preachers meet each week. These meetings are planned as an answer to their particular needs. Here the young men who desi re to preach receive instruction concerning the preparation of sermons, ways of Bible s tudy and actual del ivery. Each boy has an opportunity to deliver a sermon before the group which then offers constructive criticism. As a stimulus for greater interest in thei r own development Brother Dykes held a contest to determine the best freshman preacher who received a suit - able reword. Winner of the contest was Dale Larsen. Thi s is the first year such a con test has been conducted . Prayer Meeting Practically a part of Harding insofar as students are concerned is the town congregation and its minister, T. H . Sherri II. Each Wednesday night groups of boys and girls go down town for prayer meeting. The speakers are usually chosen from the young men at Harding, the program being conducted by Brother Sherri II. In addition to their contact with Broth er Sherrill at prayer meeting, students occasionally hove him as a substitute teacher in Bible. Missionary Forum This group meets each Friday night during the school year under the direction of a chairman which it elects. Members of the forum hove been regular in thei r attendance though the group is not so large . I nterest was stimulated this year by the presence of the Garrett family, missionaries in South Africa, who are home on furlough . Meetings are held bath on the campus and in the homes of some of the members.