1941-1942 Yearbook

CHAPEL Harding without Chapel would not be Harding! Not only does i t se t th e tempo for each day's activities but it is one po ri of the school life into wh ich former students and occasional visi tors can always en te r as partlClponts. The worship each morning keeps before the studen ts the environment which a Christlon college seeks to maintain. Then the inspiring Friday talks by Brother Arms trong ore a complement to this purpose. Additional speeches and features, all devoted to the welfare of Harding students a re given here from time to time. In the yeo rs to come Chopel will be one of the bright spots in the memories of those privileged to sit there dur ing thei r Harding days. THANKSGIVING LECTURES Each yea r Thanksgiving week is the occasion for the annual home-coming of alumni and the annual lecturesh ip series. This year the program lasted from November 24-27. The principal speakers on the lectureship were A. C. Pullias of Nashville, Tennessee, and J . P. SeweJl of Son Antonio, Texas. Former studen ts appearing on the program were John G. Reese, Milton Peeb les, Riley Henry, and Herman Wilson. WINTER MEETINGS The winter revival se rvices of the col lege chu rch were conduc ted by E. W. McMillon, mi n ister of Union Avenue Church 10 Memphis, Tennessee. Bro ther McMillan, experienced in dea ling with young people, met with hea rty s tuden t approval dUring the short week of servi ces.