FRONT ROW: Mac Timmerman, ;)ennis Allen, Douglass Gunselmon, Quentin Gateley, Weldon Casey, Poul Keller, Coy Porter, Tolbert Vaughan, Lomar Plunket, George Tipps, D. C. Lawrence. Royce Blackburn, Clinton Rutherford. SECOND ROW: Louis Green, Forrest Magness, Arthur Moody, LaVern Houtz, Dale Larsen, Emmett Smith, 1,1 Stalcup, Joe Wooton, Raymond Lawyer, Wyatt Sawyer, Jack Nadeau, Earnest Mitchell, Paul Herndon, Keith Swim, Dewitt Garrell, BACK ROW: Dean Lawyer, Lester Williamson, Louis Tandy. Virgil Bentley, Gussie Lambert, O. R. Perkins, Aubrey Miller, Mabrey Miller, Don Healy. Leonard M::Reynolds, Orville Colemon, Kern Sears, John Dillingham, Neal Watson, crlfton Ganus, Cloy Calloway. NOT APPEARING IN PICTURE: Gene Hancock, Adair Chapman, W. C. Whiteside, Henry Ewing, Raymond Me· Daniel, Wendell Watson, Harold R. Kohler, R. T. Aycox, Isaioh Anthony, Woyne Hemingway. Student Preachers Student preachers at Harding comprise almost one-fifth of the entire student body. Thi s group has a strong influence on campus life and student thought and ideal s. Not all of those listed here preach regularly but t hey are ready and willing to preach as occasion a ri ses. In general their plans call for an active church life as members who a re prepared for any se rvice in their local congregations. Of the entire group, approximately half have regular monthly appointments at various churches in Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee . Some of these congregations are mission points and would be wi t hout the se rvice of a preacher if they could not depend on Harding students. To reach their appointments these boys have travelled from ten to two hundred miles and have used var ious methods of transportation from t rain and bus to hitch-hiking.