A Glimpse of Track and Field Day High jump, dash, hurdles, and archery are only the beginning of spo rt s included in the intramural athletic program. Softball, touch football , basket - ball , tenni s, swimming, horseshoes, bad - minton, wrest ling , boxing, and vo ll ey ball ore al so offered. Intramural s rather than in ter-collegiate sports permit participation by the maj or ity of s tudents. "I'm King of the Castle" Pe rched high on a rock, surrounded by space, what freedom would be this group 's if on ly they had Icarus' wings! Soan they will tumbl e into the college bus and drivz home singing all the way. "The More We Get Together" Soc ia I c lubs for both boys and girls exert many worthwhi Ie influences . Dinners and banquets, besides affording pleasant entertainment, make one soc iall y graceful. In planning parties, outings, and programs, latent to len ts are revealed and initiative is developed. The clubs bind membe rs together in living out high ideals.