Whistle While You Work The d ignity of lobor is realized and two-thirds of the students cheerfully work ou t part of their expenses. The ovcrolled si x -foot er above i s bundling copies of " The Bi son," weekly newspaper, for mailing to friends and rel a t ives throughout the United Stotes. In the prin t shop, a junior from New York State supe rvises the printing of " The Bison," the college bullet in , and numerous tracts, bulletins, pamphlets, a nd programs. At the moment he is sea rching out a defect in th e linotype. As sec retory to the Dean , the busy girl at the right i s al ready profitably applying her Business Ad training. Student secretaries o re also used in the bu siness office, regi s trar 's office , and by severo I teache rs. Fo r " the pause that refreshes," Harding ites resort to the College Inn , a typical college confectIonery. Under student management, sodas a re le rked, cokes and milk shakes mixed, and hamburgers and hotdogs fried by s tudent workers. The laundry, kitchen, and library use s tuden t lobar and the maIntenance of buildings and campus employs many.