Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges Outstanding students from 550 colleges receive recognition from Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges. This organization seeks to create a desire on the port of students to accomplish more while in college, and ot the some time to acquaint the business world with students distinguished in college life. DENNIS ALLEN CLIFTON GANUS FRANCES WELCH EDWARD SHEWMAKER JOHN DILLINGHAM ANN FRENCH FRANCES WILLIAMSON JIM BILL MclNTEER Potential usefulness, leadership in extra-curricular activities, character, and scholarship are the factors con - sidered in choosing students for the honor. Only one-half per cent of the student body may be nominated and the nominees must be juniors or seniors. Mem:Oership in Who's Who entitles ene to wear the official key or locket . Biographies and pictures of members appear in the annual volume of " Who's Who" published in the spring.