r The Alpha Honor Society is to encourage high scholastic and moral ideals in the student body. In its two regular meetings a year students and alumni fulfilling the rigid standards are invited to be members. Membership is open only to juniors and seniors. For a junior to be eligible his scholarship index must be 2.7 or better and for a senior 2.5; a scholarship index of 3 indicates a straight "A" record. The members taken into the club this year from the senior class were Louise Nicholas, Jim Bill Mclnteer, and Ann French. From the junior class they were Dennis Allen and Mrs. Gussie Eubank. Kern Sears and Louis Green were president and vice-president and Mrs. S. A. Bel I was secretory-treasurer. The Alpha Honor Student Loan Fund was started to aid students to continue their college education; this fund to be returned to the society so it may be used to help some one else. Members of the faculty committee that meets in connection with the organization are Mrs. S. A. Bell, Dr. W. K. Summitt, and Mrs. Florence M. Cathcart. LOUIS GREEN KERN SEARS LOUISE NICHOLAS DENNIS ALLEN ANN FRENCH MRS. GUSSIE EUBANK