1941-1942 Yearbook

Jenio r YV U\I1.d h 11 Unk's Courtin' Contest Lou is and Bibbo, runnersup in the Junior division. Digni ty and charm arc John's and Marie 's con tributions. Morciele and Duran proudly accept second place in senior section from Mr . Manley . Correspondence winner Annde, and her co rrespondent . Two musicians, Ardath and Stover . swing their !rcub les away. "She loves me, she loves me not" ... Adrian, tho I' s a long process. Los t yea r' s jun ior winners, Cliff and Lou ise, must hove been more sub tle thi s yea r in dodging the j udges. Just d:Jy-dreoming is fun isn ' t it, Frances and Clifton? Virgil and Ann s tood a good chan ce hod II nol been Unk 's contes t. Coy, fix your he r or Beth won', like you. Eloise and D. C. off to a lo te s t a rt but finishing s trong! Mu sic and journalism blend well in Blanche and Arthur . " Fa rewell" was praphetic wasn' t it, Gene and Ernie? A p~aceful mterlude for Blanche and Harald. Mabel Dean and Kern unite two nations but not themselves. We knaw Lois but who is her beou? He must be 0 dark horse I?) In the contes t . Marian ond Keith, either soy it or clase yaur mouths .