1941-1942 Yearbook

1 I It 's supposed to be a feed in the boys' dorm, but Me . !??! If canoeing is romanti c, these expressions disprove it . Three buddies. Hove you lost some mu sic, Margaret Jane, "The Los t Chord," perhaps? So neor and yet so for! Go On in , Glen Dewey. Just w01 1 ' ti l Dillingham sees this, and will he be jealous! Ardath , thot 's no way to oc t on the air! The chorus watches a s treet photographer, Jack son Square, New Orleans. Well , that ain't Solomon. Ern ie's in the dog house now! Can it be you, Bro ther Bax ter? A girl. a pup, a tree equals cuteness . Sands, is a mon 's bes t fr iend hi s ho rse; or is thot the wrong prove rb? Snow falling of Harding . Just keep wotching because with these guys experimenting anything con happe n. Pictures don't lie and this shows the horseshoe champs were framed . Gene Nicho la s, you 'l l catch pneumonia . What 's th e a ttrac t ion, fo lks?