Louis Green . . . Whi t ing, Indiana B. S. Mojor: Chemistry and Foreign Languages Minor: Mathematics Lambda Sigma; " M" Club ; Student Preacher; Intromural s; Sports Edi tor of The Bi son ; Mixed Chorus; Men' s Glee Club; Who's Who; Men's Quartet; Chemistry Laborato ry Assistant ; President of Jun ior Closs; President of Senior Class; Alpha Honor Society; Boys' Committee; Business Manage r of Petit Jean . Known as " Louie" or " Ludwig". song b ird ... bursts out in German occasionally under Influence of h is mojor ... oil-around sportsman .. neve r shows anger . friendly t o all ... noted for clear-cut, decisive, and intelligent speeches . s to rted softball as a ca tcher, wound up pi tching for championship team ... hard to s top on the gridiron. won wrestling match In 13 seconds in '40 cannot be replaced here. Mary Elizabeth Arnold . . . Litt le Rock B. A. Major: Business Administration Minor: Eng lish Ju -Go-Ju Club, Secretary-Treasurer and Vice-Presiden t ; Mixed Chorus; Girls' Glee Club; Arkansas Club; Who's Who; Sec retory-Treasu re r of Jun ior Closs; Secre tory-Treasure r of Senior Class; Secretory to Registrar; Typis t -Bookkeepe r of Petit Jean . Everyone knows her as "Bibbo" . eff icien t , conscientious, ladylike one of "Famous 20 NYA Students" . noted for immaculate white shoes . conside rate of othe r people .. si ngs first soprano and mode chorus trips to New Orleans and to Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Ala bama, and Na shville, Tennessee col lec ts sal t and pepper shakers. exceptionally good typis t plans to wo rk as a stenographer next year. Dora Louise Nicholas . . Strawberry B. A. Majo r : Engli sh Minor: French and Physical Education W. H. c., President, Vice-President, Secretory-Treasurer; Pep Squad; Women's Speech Choir; Camera Club; Press Club, Columnist, Socie ty Ed itor; Class Editor ot Pe tit Jean; Mixed Chorus; Who's Who; Intramu rals, two medals; Petit J ean Queen Nominee; Favorite; Girls' Glee Club; Arkansas Club, Secretory Treasu rer; Alpha Honor Soc ie ty. A soft, low voice, a graceful carriage, a calm, pleasant manner . these characterize Louise . her Bison column "With Other Colleges" took third place in State contest lost year. Intramural honors . good housekeeping bonner often st re tches ac ross her door in Pattie Cobb Hall . prominent in the first a lto sec t ion of chorus made many trips will teach English in some Arkansas high school next yea r.