Frances Williamson . . Waskom, Texas B. A. Major: Bu si ness Administration Minor: Physical Educati on Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Beauty Nominee; W. H. C. Club, Presi dent, Vice - President; Intramurals; Mixed Chorus; Hymn Singer; Texas Club, Vice-President, Secretory-Treasurer; Pep Squad; Kitchen Club; Girls' Glee Club; Physical Education Director; Press Club; Speech Choir; Girls' Sports Editor of Petit Jean ; Best All 'Round Girl. Good in eve ry spo rt directs Girls' Intromurals, with assistance of Morvolene first in Intromurals in '40. . has been on ins tructor si nce then. . seems to be attracted by a Tagma . enjoys outi ng s, hikes, archery just any sport , she'll enjoy it and be in the top performers . swimming ins truc tor for girls. always stands for what she believes is right gets things accomplished weiland promptly. Donald Healy Fort Collins, Colorado B. A. Maj or: Social Science Minor: Education Intramurals; Student Preacher ; Boys' Committee; Sub-T 16, First Mote; Pix Club, President; Mixed Chorus; Men 's Glee Club; Press Club, Circulation Manager; Radio Hymn Singers; Circulation Manager of Petit Jean ; 4-H Club ; Tennessee Club; Kitchen Club; "M" Club. One of the tallest boys in school ... makes a party livelier with his jokes ... says he is down on girls.. now one of the three "monsters" (monitors) in the Boys' dorm sings baritone . mode trip to New Orleans and Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas .. beds not lang enough h is feet stick out. . doesn't sleep enough, perhaps accounting for his looks ... enjoys reading and traveling. . covered 4,000 miles, via his thumb largely, during Christmas holidays .. claims Detroit as his second home since working there two summers. plans to work for Ford and to prea ch. Mrs. Moud Ford Jackson . Fort Worth, Texas B. A. Major: Business Administration Minor: Educat ion Sponsor of W. H. C. Club; Secretory to Registrar; DramaticS Club; Speech Choir; Texas Club . Will be teaching Business Admini stration in high schoo l at Fort Worth, Texas, next year has been on a leave of absence for two years .. two children in high school here, Iris and Bobby ... worked in the registrar's office . jocular. . has attended Texas Christian University, North Texa s State Teachers Co ll ege, College of Indus trial Arts, Abilene Christian College. ors