1941-1942 Yearbook

Marjorie Meeks . B. A. Maj or : Engli sh Louann Minor: Business Administrotion Woodson Harding Comrades, Secretory-Treasurer; Vice-President; May Queen Nominee; Arka nsas Club; Intramural s; Pep Squad; Mixed Chorus; Girls' Glee Club; Speech Choir; Assis tant Circulation Manager of the Petit Jean . CoJlects toll at end of foodline ... won't let you toke even a cookie a red head . every hair always in place . neat. up-to-date In dress the only child, which might account for so many clothes. played on the senior girls' basketball team . enjoys skating. Ernest Salners Chicago, I llinois B. S. Major: Chemistry Minar: Biology and Mathematics Mixed Chorus; Men's Glee Club; Chemistry Assistant; Lambda Sigma Club; Tagma Club; Boys' Sports Editor of Pet it Jean . Known as " Ern ie". . was a shy, Quie t freshman, stil l somewhat Quiet, but takes on active po rt in extra-cu rricular activities. . dates often, not the some one all the time . . has an amUSing way of turning his head to one side and grinning ... unruly hair . somewha t pigeon-toed . tries to pound chemistry into freshman heads. . good fielder in softba ll . enjoys singing could always see him near the gym because he directed the taking of snapshots for sports. Iris Merri tt Kalama, No. Rhodesia, South Africa B. A. Maj or: Public School Music Minor : Hi s tory, Science, Educati on Intromural s; Press Club; Harding Academy; R. F. C. Club; A Capello Choir; Ju -Go- Ju Club, Secretary-Treasurer, VicePresident; "M" State Club, Secretary and Treasu re r; Mixed Chorus; Girls' Glee Club; Hymn Singe rs. Grins from ' 'y'ea r to y'ear". . cheery despite tough luck a nd sepa ra t ion from folks ... tiny but mighty In sport s. undaunted by lo rger opponents. . exceJlent in swimming possesses Senior life Saving award has way with ch ildren, especially in music loves to sing puts her all into it . at least her chin such faces she makes. Hitler's U-Boats foil to frighten her ... intends to return to Africa in fall to teach Physical Education the re ... reads many magazines in the library . enjoys concer ts and operas. ors