1941-1942 Yearbook

Annile Chambers Huntsville , Alabama B. A. Mojor: 50Clol Sc ience Minor: Mathematics David Lipscomb College; Ju-Go-Ju Club; Petit Jean Queen; Flogolo Club; lipscomb Club; Mixed Chorus; Intramurals. Wears a beautiful diamond from Michigan a good working student, serves in the cafeteria an excellent example of pure womanhood full of fun con really take teasing pions t o be a housewife (Wayne Hemingway is the lucky person) good basketball ployer .. when teamed with sister, Morvolene, hard to beat sings second alto mode the summe r chorus trip through Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Texa s. Hugh Wayne Hemingway, Jr . . Detroit, Michigan B. S. Major: Chemistry Minor: Bible Freed-Hardeman College; Unlversi ty of Michigan; Student Preacher; Mixed Chorus; Men's Glee Club; Scientific Journal Club; Assistant Editor of '41 Petit Jean; Assistant Business Manager of '42 Petit Jean; Lambda Sigma; Student Teacher; Chemistry Laboratory Assistant; "M" Club. A Yankee with a Southern heart . that's Wayne sees when people need help and digs right 10 to help them all he can. . has many worthwhile ambitions which he's already realizing after graduating in December stepped into the Ford laboratories in Detroit as a chemist naturally inclined towa rd the comICal (can't help it, father that way too). . puts on a face or a sidespli tt ing accent at the drop of a hot underneath the comedy is really serious-minded ... preaches some and has led singing in several protracted meetings a very shor t time from now we can visit Wayne and Mrs. Hemingway, nee Annile Chambers, in their cosy little Detroit opartment. Marvolene Chambers Huntsville, Alabama B. A. Major: Business Administration Minor: Physical Education and History David lipscomb College; Ju-Go-Ju Club, Vice-President; lipscomb Club; Physical Education Director; Fl agalo Club; Camero Club; Organization Editor of Petit Jean; Girls' Glee Club; Mixed ChOrus. Sister to Annile have quite different personalities no special boy friend at Harding. elsewhere? Interested in all sports hod rather par t icipa te than to be on the sidelines ... always creates a laugh . sings first alto and mode trip to New Orleans. makes funny faces when she tokes the notion can wiggle her ears and walk like a bear on all "fours" .. underneath her clowning she has a very sensible outlook on life . the motherly type in whom people confide. or s