Cora Ke rr Blue Sea rcy B. A. Mojor: Engli sh Minor : Hi st ory and Social Science Women's Speech Choir; Alpha Theta Club, President and VicePresident ; Arkansas Club. From the rice f ie lds of Arkansas.. qUiet ha s been morried only a year . pleasant ... never without a cheery smile for all she meets .. pIons to teach high school Engl ish next year ... doesn't mind work enjoys reading and knitting always prepares her lessons before classes. friendly and si ncere quiet-tempered. thoroughly honest . Troy Jesse Blue Searcy B. A. Maj o r: Mathematics Minor : Social S:::ience Arkansas Club. One of the three Blue brothers who hove ottended Harding .. pions later to tea ch mathematics in high school . interested in defense work now friendly and si ncere . . good notured . . quiet, unassuming , but handy . he ond Cora live just acrass the campus. he enjays hunting , and believe it o r no t , hi s favori te subjects are mathematics and physics. . we know he will make good .