Esther Marie Clay Louisville, Kentucky B. A. MOJor: History and Sociol Science Minor: English Go to Club, Secretary, President; Kentucky Club, University of Louisville, '40; Girls' Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Maid of Honor to May Queen; Band; Orchestra, Vice-President; Secretary of I. R. c.; "M" Club; Assistant to librarion. Known to the most intimate as "Hezzie" wears long red or white s tockings interested in costume designing one of Miss Score's efficient "hunte rs" gets olong weil with people cheerful, friendly has no beau at Harding, at leost on the surface. makes up for it by plaguing her brother they get along together "swellegon t ", and often too . plays the clarinet in the orchestro. Kern Sears Searcy 8, S. Major: Chemistry Minor: Mathematics Sub-T 16, Skipper, Quarter-Moster; Poetry Club, President; Mixed Chorus; Men's Glee Club; Alpha Hanar Society; Who's Who Among Students in American Unive rsi ties and Colleges; President of Freshman Closs; President of Sophomore Closs; Chemistry Laboratory Assistant; President of Arkansas Club; Assistant Ed.tor of Petit Jean; Honor Student. Grew up with the school has never attended another one. an excellent student has the highest record in school mode chorus trip to New Orleans, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas ha s a pleasant voice good articulation well-modulated won a medal when a senior in High School for best performance in dramatics that year spouts poetry . interesting conversationalist even food can't drag him away from the chemistry laboratory in the summer some times. one of Sub - T's two very eligible bachelors . one person you can't hurry in anything walks like his grandfather, Dr. Armstrong. Marguerite O/Banian B. A. Maior: Business Administration Minor: History and Social Science Swifton Arkansas Club; Adelphian Club; Tofebt Club, President; Gata Club; Secretary to the Dean . Quiet, efficient . very valuable in the Dean's office. chapel bell rang, Marguerite marked one against you. looked clean and in order. If you weren't in your seat when the favors Koinonias. . her room always ors