1941-1942 Yearbook

Mary Jane Powell B. A. Mojor: Art Sea rcy Minar : History Transfe r from University of Arkansas; Arkansas Club. Attractive ... creamy complexion neat lives in town not seen on the campus often.. tought ort in the training school talks much in class. wears a diamond on the third finger of the left hand one of Mrs. McCullough's most promising orl students does wonders with cha rcoa l. Loui s Tandy . . . . . . . B. S. Major: Poli t icol Science Wichita, Kansas Minor: English Transfer from Wichi ta University; Togma Club; Inlremurals; Kansas Club; En t ry in Orotorical Contes t ; Student Preacher. One of the reasons why the Dodgers won the Intramural softbal l crown . possesses one of the best arms on the field .. not bod at hittina either . interesting speaker not loud, but holds a ttention of audience . one of Harding's forty-four student preachers. . adept at any sport , especiol'y with the racque t one of Ha rding's best all-around takes part in the social life at Harding a nd is seen ve ry ofte n in the Reception Room of Pattie Cobb Hall plans to do gradua te wo rk at Wichita Un iversi ty next year. Mi ld red Gai ner .. 8 . A. Maj o r : Home Economics Florence, Alabama Minor: Science Graduate of David Lipscomb College ; Mu Eta Adelphian, Presiden t ; Mixed Cho rus; Flagala Club; Who's Who Among Students in Ame ri ca n Universities and Colleges; Dorcas Club; Nominee for May Quee n; Moy Queen's Court. Full of life . well-liked by all . good tenn is player fine studen t . dependable in all she unde rtakes well-liked by teache rs enjoys knitting . ambition is to work in a food - testing laboratory hono r s tuden t at David Lipscomb s tudies much here too entered oratorical contest a ttended Flo rence State Tea che rs College serves in the cafeteria. ors