Wilel lo Knopple .. Waldenburg B. S. Mojor: Home Economics Arkansas State College; Ko Jo Kai Club, President, Vice-President, Secretory; Arkansas Club. A toll blonde with a good figure . ambition at the present time is to become 0 clothing model. enjoys sports especially swimming and riding lives in town shows good taste in se lec ting clothes. friendly and accommodating, en joyabl e to be with. Ann French . . Detroit, Michigan B. S. Mojor: Chemistry and Biology Los Companeras Club, Secretory-Treasurer; "M" Club; Bison Columnist; Mixed Chorus; Girls' Glee Club; College Publicity Director; Editor of Petit Jean ; Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; Alpha Honor Society. Where Ann is, there's either laughter or singing . she enjoys both . . is 0 very good second alta ... mode the summer chorus trip to Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri , and Texas. is one of the "sweethearts" in "Vanka 'n Tanka" .. enters wholeheartedly into anything she enjoys values a picture of Virgil Bentley very highly and is always seen with him an interestmg conversationalist science and journalism her academic hobbies enjoys all music with the notable exception of jazz and cowboy "noise ." Orvi d Lowe ll Mason . . . .. Cente r Ridge 8 . A. Major : Political Science University of Arkansas Low School; Tagma Club, SecretaryTreasurer; Debater; I. R. c., Vice-President; Arkansas Club; Assistant Debate Coach; Academy Debate Coach; Press Club; Men's Glee Club; Vice-President Zoophyta Club; Camero Club; President Forensic League. Known as "Slick" ... won first in State Juni or Debate Tournament '40 ... loquacious uses high - toned words makes talks in Chapel about noti onal affairs on interesting speaker entered orators' contest noted for genial, happy-go- lucky disposition argumentative spirit .. well posted on current affairs . ors