1941-1942 Yearbook

Arthur Moody . B. A. Major: Greek New York, New York Minor: English Editor of The Bison; Lambda Sigma, President; Transfer from Co lumbia College, Columbia University; "M" Club; Stage Manager of Dramatic Club; Student Preacher. likes to write pions to teach next year . is quite an attraction to Blanche Timmerman taught Greek during Dr. Arms trong's absence.. ho s on accent likes to debate enjoys classroom discussions . native o f Arkansas noted for striking "Bison " edltoriols that produce result s .. a hard worker and willing to undertake much. unafraid to exp ress any Idea he believes right . Mo ry Blanche Jackson . . Newport Minor : Education B. A. Major: Engli sh Sopphonion Club ; Tofebt Club, Secretory-Treasurer and President; Self-Help Club; Nominee for May Queen; Arkansas Club ; Mixed Choru s; Speech Cho,,; Student Teacher; Intramural s. A red - head but does not have the spec ial interest, the print shop collects patterns now that can be a valuable student teacher in Tulon McR ight traditional high tempe r . likeable, quiet has one very a good spo rt plans to teach school next year used to decorate schoo l rooms likes to piece quilt tops the training schoo l. B. S. Major: Chemistry Red Bay, Alabama Minor: Biology Pix Club; Arkansas Club; Scientific Jou rnal Club. Chemistry enthusiast dabbled In Biology lab. leamed wilh Dr . Abbott to find cheaper way to get levulose from Jerusalem po tatoes no luck 100 expensive worked in Mayfair Ho tel left school to help make troub le for Tok io in DuPont lob near Memphis. very persistent in closs, asked many questions enlivened any closs he belonged to. ors