M rs. Rox ie L. Rosson Mrs. Rosson, motron of Godden Hall, endeavours to maintain in the dormitory a cultured atmosphere similar to whot the boys live in at home. Every morning she inspects their rooms encouraging good housekeeping. She answers the dormitory phone, mends socks, offers council, and contributes in many ways to their welfare . Mrs. J. L. Dykes Mrs. Dykes, direc tor of the College Book Store, has efficiently handled over two thousand books this school year, not including the volumes ordered for the library. She is always especially willing to help preachers obtain the books they wont. Doris Healy, Mrs. Dykes' able assistan t , t ries to sel l a book to eve ryone who enters. Mr s. Loui se Mil es A native of Texas, Mrs. Louise Miles who nurses the 200 dormi tory students has had doctors and nurses in her family from way bock the re. Travel books, biographies, and current scientific litera ture claim at tention In her prec ious bi t of spore time- when she's not horseback riding. Nurse Miles won ts it known that she is able to discern the love germ from bacteria. O. M. Colemon "Speedy" Coleman, campus electriCian, plumber, and bus driver, was Harding's "handy man." When not off the campus wi th one of the studen t groups he found time to clip the hedges and prune the shrubs and trees. At home he has on apia ry which produces f rom 400 to 500 pounds of honey yearly. Horold Kohl er Harold Kohle r, s tudent direc tor of Harding College Press, had three years' experience as assis tant for the Ha rding Press which serves him well today for the shop is a busy place. Every printed article used by the college is produced at th e shop . Ero Modge Elli s, cne of hi s assistan ts, is pi c tured with him . Wi lli am Godwi n Whe n icicles come aut of the ho t wa ter pi pe, blame Bill GodWi n, cal lege mach inis t a nd chief engineer. He supe rvises two darkies who feed hung ry fu rnaces 1,500 tons of coa l a year.